You must Lead Yourself, before you can Lead Others

How Thandi used the 7 habits of highly effective people to succeed as a new manager

Hey, how’s it going - get some coffee? Let’s walk and talk…

Today’s coffee chat is a nod to the Scary Management Playbook. I’m quite proud of it, even though it needs a bit of spit and polish…

That’s because the short story is jam packed with (coded) wisdom from my experience building teams. All of it will be de-coded in the upcoming Scary Management Manual (my premium book product), and Online Course (also a premium product, and will flow from the manual). And when I say premium, just think of it as you taking me out for a coffee and croissant ☕️🥐. I guarantee you will experience a mindset shift that will level up your career, or your money back the next coffee will be on me 🤭 

Thank you: today’s (imaginary) coffee is on me - I am building a business in public here, and really happy to have you as my early follower. Immensely grateful for all the encouragement and support so far! Please reach out via LinkedIn dm if you have some feedback/commentary/advice for me.

Become a creature of habit - gain inner confidence

One of the learnings coded in the playbook changed my life when I stumbled upon it early in my career - Stephen Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". I first talked about it on LinkedIn in this post:

Learning about the 7 habits gave me the inner-confidence to chase career success, as it gave actionable advice and promoted a growth mindset.

I will dive deeper into each habit in my weekly LinkedIn posts, like I did with Habit #1 above. But, for today’s coffee chat, wanted to quickly show you how Thandi, our protagonist from the Scary Management Playbook leveraged them in the story to become an effective manager. Ok, let’s wrap up the coffee - we got meetings to get to!

Habit 1: Taking the Leap - Thandi's Big Decision

  • Problem: Thandi was offered a chance to lead the challenging Sharks team but was scared. Although she had impressed Anand as a lead developer, she had never managed a team formally before.

  • Solution: Despite apprehension, she decided to step up and take the role, ready to learn and grow.

  • Habit in Action: Be Proactive - Thandi took control of her career path instead of letting fear hold her back.

Habit 2: What Could Be - Aligning to the Dream

  • Problem: The Sharks team lacked clear direction and purpose. No surprise they were seen as a problem team in the company…

  • Solution: Thandi went back to fundamentals. She set a vision for the team, outlining clear goals and expectations. She showed them what could be.

  • Habit in Action: Begin with the End in Mind - She focused on where she wanted the team to get to, and aligned them to that vision.

Habit 3: Getting Down to Business - Tackling the Big Stuff

  • Problem: The team was overwhelmed with tasks and losing focus. They had no structure to do the right things.

  • Solution: Thandi got some help from Werner, a seasoned scrum master, and learnt how to bring discipline and structure to the team, enabling them to prioritize tasks based on importance. “Rituals and Routines!” was the mantra she learnt from him.

  • Habit in Action: Put First Things First - She learnt techniques to manage time and resources and was able to focus on what truly mattered.

Habit 4: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work - Creating a Team Charter

  • Problem: Team members had conflicting interests and low cooperation.

  • Solution: Thandi created a team charter emphasizing shared values, goals and mutual respect.

  • Habit in Action: Think Win-Win - She fostered an environment where everyone benefits from teamwork.

Habit 5: Listening to Lead - Getting to Know the Team

  • Problem: Miscommunication and misunderstandings were rampant in the team. It was no wonder they were a dysfunctional mess.

  • Solution: Thandi held one-on-one meetings, listening actively to team members' concerns and suggestions.

  • Habit in Action: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood - She built trust by listening first before offering solutions.

Habit 6: Better Together - The Strength of the Team

  • Problem: The team was not utilizing its full potential due to lack of collaboration.

  • Solution: Thandi encouraged team brainstorming sessions, teaching them how to utilize their diverse skills for innovative solutions.

  • Habit in Action: Synergize - She leveraged the team's collective strengths to achieve better results.

Habit 7: Never Stop Learning - Thandi's Own Growth

  • Problem: Thandi knew she needed to grow to continue being an effective manager.

  • Solution: She committed to continuous learning through workshops, books, and self-reflection.

  • Habit in Action: Sharpen the Saw - Thandi practiced self-care and actively worked to improve her personal and professional skills.

"The 8th Habit" - Beyond Just Managing

The 8th habit is about finding your voice and inspiring others to find theirs. Very much like I am doing with this newsletter, and my posts on LinkedIn 😅 With Thandi, there was a hint of this transformation taking place at the end of the playbook, as she pondered the offer from Anand.

  • Advancement: As Thandi learnt and mastered the 7 habits, she was ready to inspire her team to find their voices.

  • Transformation: Thandi transitioned from just managing to leading with inspiration and vision. This led to her being recognized by Anand and the senior management team. She was offered a chance to manage a second team…

  • Habit in Action: From Effectiveness to Greatness - Thandi moved beyond effectiveness to inspiring greatness in herself and her team.

In Summary

That's it for today's "Coffee Chat Newsletter" – I hope you enjoyed my take on Stephen Covey’s classic, and that it has the same impact on you that it had on me.

Remember, each habit is a step towards not just managing but leading with inspiration and vision. And just like Thandi, you too are on your way to greatness. Stick with us, and let's take your management skills to the next level together.

Look out for the weekly LinkedIn posts that explore the habits in a little more detail. See you next month!

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